FDJ UNITED: A new brand for a new chapter
With the acquisition of Kindred last year, following Premier Lotteries Ireland and ZEturf in 2023, FDJ has cemented its status as a champion in Europe’s betting and gaming sector.
With the acquisition of Kindred last year, following Premier Lotteries Ireland and ZEturf in 2023, FDJ has cemented its status as a champion in Europe’s betting and gaming sector.
By Stéphane Pallez, Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of FDJ Group
The Paris 2024 Games are now behind us, but we must continue working together to relay and amplify the dynamic of inclusion that was born this summer. We must ensure that it endures after the Olympic Flame has been extinguished.
Five years ago, on November 21, 2019, La Française des Jeux opened a new chapter in its history with its privatization. To celebrate this symbolic anniversary, the Group’s Chairwoman and CEO, Stéphane Pallez, had the honor of ringing the bell at the Euronext Stock Exchange.
By Stéphane Pallez, Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of the FDJ Group
Why make affective orientation and gender identity a key pillar of our diversity and inclusion policy? Because FDJ is a popular brand that addresses everyone, just as it does its teams, without distinction. Because working in a company means living in society. A society in which FDJ is fully committed to ensuring that everyone feels they belong. Together, we have the responsibility to build a future where equity is not an option, but a reality.
Learn how, guided by its purpose and aware of the major challenges of the world around it, the FDJ Group continues to implement its strategy to achieve sustainable and profitable growth.
At Viva Technology, FDJ Group presented an experiential booth showcasing around twenty experiments and technologies, most of which were co-created with startups from its ecosystem. The solutions displayed to the public were centered around the Group’s five main innovation topics (GSI). Flashback on this event with Pierre Brousseau, Director of FDJ Ventures.