FDJ UNITED promotes diversity within an inclusive Group


Promote and develop diversity within FDJ UNITED

FDJ UNITED is inclusive and representative of society. 

Social equality has driven us since the beginning, and we actively seek out innovative ways to promote diversity and inclusion, battling all forms of discrimination. This ambitious approach, which we have been pursuing for many years, is one of the pillars of our CSR policy. 

As proof of its commitment, FDJ UNITED holds two certifications attributed by French standardisation body AFNOR: Diversity Certification (since 2013) and Workplace Male and Female Equality Certification (since 2017).


Labels diversité et égalité professionnel délivrés par l'AFNOR. 

  • Socio-economic diversity

    We aim to reach a community of diverse employees who represent our current and future customers by being inclusive of all socio-economic, cultural, and educational backgrounds. The Group is committed to increasing representation among workers from underprivileged urban areas, through working with local schools and encouraging work experience.

  • Gender equality

    Our tangible recruitment, training, career path, salary, and work organisation measures actively enable women to be better represented in the workplace. 

    All’In, FDJ UNITED’s gender diversity network, was created in 2017 and contributes to the development of leadership and women’s place within the Group, notably through raising awareness, leading to richer workplace experiences and tackling stereotypes. 

    In 2019, we got involved with the intercompany “Stop au Sexisme Ordinaire en Entreprise” (Stop Everyday Sexism at Work) initiative. In 2022, members of the Group Management Committee showed their commitment to gender equality by signing the #JamaisSansElles (#NotWithoutHer) chart. 

  • Disability

    Our policies around inclusion of employees with disabilities have been in place for a number of years. 

    When we employ someone with a disability, we offer support where needed, and provide any required equipment. 

    At the end of 2019, the Group signed the “Manifeste pour l’inclusion des personnes handicapées dans la vie économique” (“Manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in economic life”), to bolster support among business leaders to increase the employment of people with disabilities. 

  • Inter-generation

    We encourage collaboration and the transmission of experience and knowledge between different generations. We support workers from all generations, notably through our policy to recruit students on work placements as a stepping stone on their path to the world of work.  

    Since 2017, our approach to senior employees has seen us implement an action plan for workers 45 and over who actively want to prolong their professional lives. 

    Also, workers reaching retirement age receive support to help them prepare for their retirement when the time comes. 

  • Sexual orientation and gender identity

    We are committed to providing an inclusive workplace where all employees are treated the same, whatever their sexual orientation and gender identity. We stand against LGBTphobia. In 2023, the Group crystallised its commitment to the cause by signing the LGBT+ Charter brought forward by the charity L’Autre Cercle. An internal network dedicated to the subject, called All’Proud, has been created by committed employees. 


Increasing the number of women in management and striving for fair pay

The Group is committed to workplace equality between men and women, especially in terms of managerial diversity. Following the 2023 gender equality index: 

  • La Française des Jeux received a gender equality index of 100/100
  • The subsidiary FDP  received 93/100 
  • The subsidiary FGS France received 88/100 
  • The subsidiary L’Addition (Adstellam) received 91/100

The following table shows how the index was calculated for each of the companies within FDJ Group. 

Indicator  La Française des Jeux FDP  FGS France  L’Addition (Adstellam)
Gender pay gap  40  38  38 36
Individual pay rises  20  20  35  35
Promotions  15  15 
Maternity leave  15  15  15  15
10 highest salaries  10  5 0  5
TOTAL  100  93 88 91





Diversity, Gender Equality and Quality of Life at Work Policy



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Group Agreement – Gender Equality, Quality of Life at Work & Diversity



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