Become a shareholder

Reasons to invest


Why should you buy FDJ UNITED shares?

  • A European Gaming Champion

    33 million players around the world.

  • Sustainable and profitable growth and a solid outlook

    €3.1 billion revenue and €792 million EBITDA in 2024.

  • A growth strategy based on multiple assets

    Biggest distribution network in France with more than 29,000 points of sale.

  • A CSR strategy integrated into the business model

    712/100 Moody’s ESG Solutions score (Top 1% of almost 5,000 companies worldwide).

  • Creation of value shared with stakeholders

    In France: €4.7bn contribution to public finances; 57,000 jobs maintained or created; €994m in commissions paid to retailers.

  • Strong relationships with shareholders

    Nearly 400,000 individual shareholders, and 16,000 members of the FDJ UNITED Shareholders Club.

Useful Information

How can you buy FDJ UNITED shares?

There are two ways to become a shareholder of La Française des Jeux:

  • You can purchase registered or bearer shares in FDJ UNITED through your usual financial broker (bank, credit organisation, online broker, stock company).
  • You can purchase pure registered shares in FDJ UNITED through Uptevia, our issuer services partner.


Telephone: +33 (0) 1 57 78 34 44 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.)

Be careful of phising

Individuals and organisations with malicious intentions contact people by phone and email to offer FDJ UNITED shares without permission. Some assume the identities of our company directors and use our logos. The French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) states that only authorised financial intermediaries can trade stocks and shares. You can read the AMF’s recommendations here.

If you receive a suspicious call or email, do not send bank details or a bank transfer. First ensure that the intermediary offering banking or financial products or services is authorised to operate in France by checking with the AMF (link in French).

You can also contact the AMF on +33 (0)1 53 45 62 00 or report any attempted scams via this online form and/or by contacting FDJ UNITED (+33 (0) 8 05 65 00 45 /